Reality Continues To Ruin My Life

Posted by Miz B on Wednesday, October 27, 2010
What happens if a big asteroid hits the Earth? Judging from realistic simulations involving a sledge hammer and a common laboratory frog, we can assume it will be pretty bad.
- Dave Barry

This isn't going to be a very long post, since I'm really busy right now and I have to leave in an hour and I still haven't taken a shower (sorry, I'm having a run-on sentence issue today). I just wanted to point out that there are 2 new albums up in the gallery (captions to follow), and there should be a third up by tonight or tomorrow. If you have any questions or comments about anything, pictures or otherwise, you can email me with the 'contact me' button under the About Me section in the sidebar, or comment on this post by clicking on the little speech bubble with the number inside in the upper right-hand corner of the post.
Some random, small space taker-uppers to waste your time:
If you haven't read Side Jobs, you're not as cool as you could be. And for those of you who are making excuses, look at me. I'm living in southern Mexico, learning Spanish, living 3 hours from the nearest bookstore (if you didn't wince, you're a bad person), and living in a house which loses it's internet connection for 10 minutes every time someone turns on the upstairs shower and the back burners on the stove at the same time (don't ask me, I don't know), and I still finished it before you did. Because I have my priorities strait. Hi, Mom ^_^ !
Even if you haven't, but you're a fan of The Dresden Files and have read a good way into the series, you should check out this for fun warm-fuzzies (beware of mild spoilers, it's relevant until the last book -which, incidentally, ROCKED).
In other news, here is life:

Ah, perfection. Coke in one hand, sleepy puppy in the other.

And here it is folks, your moment 'o' zen:

Steven Fry on Language


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