Dramatis Personae

Main Cast

I tend to come off as a little bit odd to people who do not know me. I am young, but people tend to mis-judge my age due to the way I speak and act. I tend to be more goal oriented, if the goal is something which is important to me. I like bright colors and fun clothes. I am an eternal optimist who talks like a sarcastic pessemist. I do not enjoy loud parties and alcohol like other kids my age, so they tend to avoid me which, since I am a introvert who has become very good at amusing myself without outside assistance, is generally perfectly okay with me. I love to learn new things, although I am bad at remembering useful information. On the other hand, I can recite entire movie scripts and passages from books from memory (so can my brother and dad. Call it a genetic skill). My biggest ambition is to be smart. I believe there is a way to do anything, you just have to look for it well enough. I like watching TV and movies, and am widely considered to be a nerd in some circles, although I usually go for the classical type of nerd, not the computer hacker/game playing nerd (although I can handle myself around computers just fine).

-My Family
My Parents
Janna and Ed are two of the bestest, smartestest persons I will ever know. I, literally, owe them everything, and they made me what I am today. I cannot really say more, since I think it is impossible to explain two such important people if I had all the time in the world. And if there is one thing they have tought me, there are many more things one can do with their time.

My Brother
I cannot really talk objectively about my brother, since my feeling toward him tend to change day to day and I have not seen him for a while. One thing I will say, we are very different and yet very similar. There is never a boring day with him around. And while I may not always like him, I will always love him.

-My Friends
Nadine is one of my most important people, even though I barely see her a week out of a year. She lives on the other side of the country from me. Besides being smart, pretty and funny, she is also the kindest, happiest, most selfless person I have ever known. I cannot really say much more about her, because everything I can think of seems insignificant.

Why are most of my best friends boys? I do not know. When I first met Allan, I thought we were so different that we would never really get along. Years later, I still stand by the very different thing (at least about some subjects), but he proved me dead wrong about the not getting along thing. Our minds seem to work the same way. Allan sort of acts as my sounding board, to help me think the way I should. And he can always make me laugh.

Cameron has one of the brightest, most forceful personalities of anyone I have ever met. He can light up any room he walks into. Cameron is younger than me, which means I have gotten to watch him grow into his life and personality. Cameron is the sort of person you cannot help but be friends with.

The Sunday Dinner Crowd
I have only dared to lump all these people together because this page has limited space and I could be here for years trying to describe all these amazing people. Angela, Iris, Kinzie, Kevin, Curtis, Jessica, Nu, Buck, the list goes on. I have never seen anyone here who was not talented, kind, funny, and fascinating in their own way. I firmly believe that if our government was solely staffed by Sunday Dinner regulars, we would live in something as close to a perfect world as makes no difference. Suffice to say, knowing someone, anyone, from Sunday Dinner makes you cool.

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