2 Months And An Explanation

Posted by Miz B on Sunday, October 10, 2010
Since I want to do a post over the weekend, but I do not acutually want to have to come up with original content, so I thought I would introduce you to two video clips which kind of explain some of my interests. As some of you may know, I want to study anthropology with a concentration in religion. If you are asking ´wtf?´, you are not the first. I thought these two manage to sum up my feelings in a basic, roundabout sort of way. Warning: Contains Funny.
First up, an anthropology major explains her views with a song (I got this off a link on the Smith College anthropology department home page, if anyone cares).

The Anthropology Song

And secondly, probably one of my favorite comedians at this time explains why he, an atheist, loves religion (if you get a chance to watch this whole show, go for it. It is pee-in-your-pants funny).

Sky Cake by Patton Oswalt

Note: If you´re interested, this sketch and others like it can be found on the CD Patton Oswalt: My Weakness Is Strong, available from Border´s everywhere (unless you go to the one in Chambana, which does not really have CD´s anymore for some reason).

BTW: I am not trying to inslut anyones beliefs or anything by saying this is funny, or that this is the reason I find religion so fascinating. I find it fascinating because, in some way, religious beliefs of some kind or another are, in one way or another, generally a base cause of most of the most evil and most good acts in history. How do you define religion? If you stick with something as simple as, say, "a set of beliefs or rules which govern how you choose to see, interact and understand your world", than everything from pop-culture, science, and Oprah could be said to be religious belief systems of some sort or another. Now are you interested?


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