I'm Sorry, You Guys
Posted by Miz B
Monday, January 24, 2011

This is going to be unfortunately brief, because I am borrowing my new host sisters computer to type it, and she wants it back. I am in my new family, and things are going well. Unfortunately, it is now my school's spring break, which means I am stuck home for 2 weeks. And guess what? They only have wireless. I would like to thank Ed for all the work he's been putting into trying to help me fix my computer, but it is still not working. And as a public service announcement to the rest of you, I know I've said this before, but just in case the people in space didn't here me, never buy Windows. Or anything to do with windows. Sure, I've had problems with my Apples before, but have I ever ever had something completely non-functioning right out of the box? Not even. This computer had never worked, and no remotely logical reason has ever been found. Complain all you want, tell me I'm wrong, but the one time I finally decided to take the plunge and give it a try, and it has royally...messed...with my life in a way I did not want or need. So, I really am sorry. I wish I could tell you more, but as in most failed endevors, it's going down, once again, to failed equipment. See you in February, unless the miracle monster strikes.