And If You Happen To Be REALLY Bored...
I should be able to put up a semi-coherent post either today or tomorrow, but right now I just fell asleep for five minutes on my keyboard. That said, if you want something to read, check this out. I laughed a lot. In other news, if you have got some time on your hands, start watching White Collar! For example, yesterdays episode had an interesting misuse of a motorizes wheelchair, Neil in a t-shirt (I was shocked),and then we got to see Peter chase down Harry Dresden on a commandeered (there´s no spell check on this computer) police horse. I should probably apologise to Paul Blackthorne right now, but I am never going to be able to think of him as another character. Not that he is really the Harry I think of. I always imagine Harry as Timothy Olyphant.

Actually, I have an almost complete cast of the Dresden Files on my computer. It is, once again, possible that I need a life. Somebody send me some knitting needles and yarn! I have started biting my nails again. Shame.
Wow. I really got off-topic. I completely forgot what I wanted to say when I started.

Actually, I have an almost complete cast of the Dresden Files on my computer. It is, once again, possible that I need a life. Somebody send me some knitting needles and yarn! I have started biting my nails again. Shame.
Wow. I really got off-topic. I completely forgot what I wanted to say when I started.