Goals (subject to change)


Goal: To work as a collections manager or curator in a cultural or natural history museum.
Plan: Finish an Associate degree in either Arts or Sciences at Parkland College (they do not have a preliminary anthropology degree). I am planning to transfer to a four-year university to finish my Bachelors in anthropology. I have special interests in religion, archaeology, classics, and American history (minors and concentrations vary from school to school).I plan to return to school for my graduate degree, probably in something related to anthropology or any of the aformentioned areas. At some point (probably in Grad school), I will need to obtain either a degree or certificate in an accredited Museum Studies program. I will also need to work as much as possible in the museum field, and at some point will need to get a Ph.d. in a related field. To dream instatutions would be a branch of the Smithsonian or The Field Museum in Chicago.
I know this seems a little ambitious, but I like to handle these things by remembering an especially good quote from a book by Lois McMaster Bujold:
"Aim high. You may not hit your target, but at least you won´t shoot your foot off."
-Elli Quinn (The Vorkosigan Books)

Current list of favorite transfer options: (favorites in each category listed top to bottom)

-Smith College (incidentally, this is the only school that fills all my criteria, the only exception being the weather)
-Brown University

-University of Wisconsin - Madison
-University of Florida
-University of Colorado - Boulder

-University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
-University of Arizona
-University of New Mexico

More information to follow...

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