Now that life has moved on and forgotten me, I am going to finally post the post you've all been waiting for...well, maybe not. But I'm going to try. First of all, sorry for the delay. It seems to happen ever time I want to do a post with a LOT of pictures. Because of the way I have to post pictures through Blogger, I have to do them as I come to them, or risk getting completely lost. To do this, I need an internet connection, and to get that, I have to stay hunched over a work bench with no legroom and a seat that is both uncomfortable AND too small for me. Which sucks. I am now thoroughly able to sympathize with the solitary hillbilly, out in the boonies of Kentucky, who still doesn't have wireless. Groan. Anyway, here's some of my life for the time being: I would like to wish my host brother, Louis Fernando, a happy birthday! I'm glad you liked the shirt so much. I want to once again extend condolences to the family and friends of Senor Herrera. If there's ever anything I can do, please let me know.
As some people may know, the last 2 weeks or so have been a little hectic, in a non-productive sort of way. Firstly, the power went out again for a day, and then the internet went out for another 2 (we don't know what happened, it thought it was working, but no-one could use it. Extra fun!). Also, I was supposed to be swapping to my second family. Let me slow down and explain some stuff here: Firstly, everyone here in this club has 3 host families. I didn't know this until last week, but everyone is supposed to have about 4 months with each family. I currently have almost 6 with this family. We were then supposed to swap on 4 January. Okay, I was nervous but excited, I spent a hellish day trying to get everything I own packed (not especially because I have a lot of stuff, but because I have a lot more than I brought with me, but nothing new to put it in). Then, that night, it turned out that for some reason, the other host families had delayed the process. They weren't ready to receive other kids, because everybody decided now was a smashing time to repaint the house, or go on vacation, or whatever, I don't know. So it got delayed until the 10th (after school re-started, because that'll make things easier <-this is sarcasm).
I again spent a whole 5 hours packing all my stuff, dragging it down the stairs, cleaning the room, putting all my sheets in the downstairs laundry, yadda yadda. Guess what someone finally remembered to tell me by 8pm, after I was done?
Yeah, I wasn't so pleased either. Yesterday was the 17th, obviously, and I FINALLY moved. Oh, BTW, I am typing this in school. I can't use the internet in the new house. So far, in the life of this irritating little machine (NEVER USING WINDOWS AGAIN! AAAAGH!), it has yet to function with the wireless in any private dwelling, here OR in the U.S. In Mexico, the only place I've been able to use it is in this school.
I like my room so far (pictures to follow, when I take them). It is significantly lacking in pink and dolls and little pink, doll-ish knickknacks (and a trash can and a laundry basket, but I'll live). It's definitely supposed to be a boys room (thank god), so it's blue and relatively Spartan. All the furniture got stuffed in there when they started construction on the back of the house, so none of the furniture is in a place where it actually fits, and none of the things that are supposed to be on the wall ARE on the walls. The whole room smells like wood polish (so now I do, which is interesting), and the bed is a twin, but too short so my whole body doesn't really fit on it, which is also interesting. I am so used to sleeping on the freaking giant King size bed, I need to get re-accustomed to the smaller bed. I don't think it will be that hard, I didn't like the big one. Also, the room has a giant window, but is significantly lacking in curtains. I don't mind so far, since I go to bed after the sun has set, and leave before it rises in the morning, but I imagine I will be annoyed by this by the weekend. One more week to go in the semester, and than SPRING BREAK (well, that's how it works here). 5 days to waste (i.e. sleep) how I please. Maybe. More to follow on the new house and, more importantly, the internet situation as it unfolds.
ALSO, mom managed to somehow get ahold of the Amazon.com folks and make them send me a new Kindle!!!!
I'm only telling you this so you'll have yet more proof that my mom is pure AWESOME.