So About That..
Posted by Miz B
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Alright. This post might get a little confusing or be a big revelation or something to those of you who weren't reading the blog religiously sometime around November. Of course I understand why you're not really checking it every hour now, because who wants to read a blog by a girl who only updates once a month, especially when you can just read her nattering on endlessly all day if you bother to check on Twitter? Ok, I'm gonna stop typing in the 3rd person before I pull something internally.
ANYway, sometime in December I posted a version of this (find it here! It's back up now), but due to some personal safety risks, I had to take it down until I was back under my parents roof.
Firstly, I'd like to thank all the folks who replied to the first post (almost instantaneously, too!), both on this blog and on Facebook. I hope at least some of your comments are still attached to it, although I bet they're not. It's too bad, they were really sweet and I love you guys so much for that instant, complete, unconditionaly response. I wish everyone could get that kind of response. Guess it just goes to prove, my peeps is the best!
So, here we go again. Have you ever tried to write/type/explain something like this? It sounds/reads so...lame. Oh, whatever. I'm gay. There ya go. See what I mean? I remind me of a TV special. A lame one.
Now on to the good stuff! (By this I mean, if you were here for the meaningful bit, you just saw it. All this rest is mostly frippery <-my new word of the week!).
While I was looking for the picture to put on the header there, and I found a whole bunch of other stuff, and you should look at it.
First of all, how can people not like lizards? Lizards are awesome! Look at that!
See what I mean? Pure dead awesome!
Also, I should warn whoever I end up spending my life with, that wherever we live is probably gonna end up looking something like this:
That dripping sound? Oh, that's just me drooling on to the carpet.
Also, we might have one of these in the backyard.
Panda's are arguably my favorite animal species on earth. There's no such thing as an ugly panda.
Or at least one of these.
That's a yak, by the way. We've got a couple small ones right now, anyway. Just ask my mom!
To finish off the pet bit, I really pray this is where my beloved Simon is right now.

I miss you, kitty.
Yeah, so that's about it. I'll try to keep all this going now that I'm home, but I prefer actually talking to people, so who knows how well it'll go. I'm wacky that way!