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Posted by Miz B
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Since I've been letting things go a bit, and because I'm feeling in a bit of a festive mood, I thought I'd use some variety in this one.
First on the list:
I think I mentioned before that I had written a post on paper at a party about 2+ weeks ago. I can't remember the exact date, but I still have the 'post', so I thought I'd better put it up before I lose it, shred it, or accidentally write something else over the top of it. This was written at about 2am while I was hiding in the atrium, so it was edited slightly for content. I don't really like loud parties at the best of times, but here I was wearing the portable torture devices on my feet, and let's face it, at around midnight I usually turn back into a pumpkin or a pile of mice or whatever (also if my sentences seem a little disjointed, it's because I'm writing on my tiny little laptop screen and I can't see the whole post at once).
Post begins here ->
You know, everyone hypes the learning experience of exchanges, but there are some things I'm learning that I wasn't expecting (free of charge!).
1) I will never take up smoking. EVER. I knew I didn't like the smell, but apparently if enough people start smoking in a small enough space you can run out of air. Who knew? Worst headache ever.
2)The limits of dresses (and parties). So, I'm not ever going to go for the whole big-skirt, lots-of-lace look. The little wacked-out princess who vacations in my head likes the look, but those skirts are just to much work.
Which sort of leads us to: 3) Wedding Planning. I spent this Saturday night (and very early Sunday morning -no, never gonna like late parties, neither) at a Quincinera for a girl in my school. It was probably one of the largest, loudest, and most expensive parties/gatherings I've ever been to. Seriously, I can't think of a wedding which I have attended that could outstrip it. I don't even know this girl. Which, incidentally, brings me to my point: If I ever bother to get hitched (assuming the whole institution hasn't been outlawed as ungodly or something by the time I get there), remind me not to buy into one of these things. Not that I think I would. I don't like going to them, and the very thought of planning one can make me spontaneously break out in hives (seriously, it's cool). But if I ever got married I wouldn't want to: A) spend that much money! Seriously, the outdoors is there for a reason. And two words: open bar.
And B) have strangers there. I would only want people I knew (or who knew whomever I happened to be marrying).
Oh! And the dress. Be it wedding dress or any other option, never let me go strapless! It's not flattering (in my opinion), and I don't like wearing something that can fall off if I jump up and down more than once. And I don't even get me started on the equipment! (cover the ears here, you delicate gents out there) I spent half the night in the bathroom fighting with my bra. Seriously! It's like wearing spring-loaded underwear. I kept thinking "Any minute now, my dress will slip and I'll take someone's eye out". Why don't I just wear a shoulder holster next time? At least it'd keep the dress on.
I'm learning a lot about myself and alcohol too. Don't look at me like that! 'A lot' is all relative. And believe me, I'm a hell of a lot more responsible than, well, anyone else. I pretty much guaranty it. And considering that when I left home, drinking over-fermented Kombucha could make me tipsy, I think of this as a sort of personal growth. Or at least personality growth.
And now:
Beer: okay. I could definitely learn to like it, but I think I'm going to follow in my parents footsteps and be a semi-picky, micro-brew connoisseur. I will never like Corona. Honestly, it tastes like someone mixed a single shot of Tequila into a whole jumbo-sized bottle of bland, sour mineral water. Why bother? Coke tastes better and I don't like Coke.
Tequila: don't worry, not gonna happen. I can't even handle the smell. I tried this on accident the first week I was here. I didn't understand anything anyone was saying to me, and they just handed it to me. If you've ever tried Tequila, you know that this may have something to do with why I don't like it. Of course, I also tried it again to make sure. Yeah, definitely not gonna happen.
Wine: I actually didn't try this one here, I know I don't mind it back home.
Kahlua: good with dairy-based products!
Whiskey: tried this one on accident. Tastes kind of like someone dropped crystallized sugar into a cup of paint thinner. And yet somehow, I think I could be persuaded to like it. Like oysters. Or Blue Oyster Cult, come to that.
Rum: I tried this one mixed with Coke, but I'm fairly certain it's the only hard liquor I might enjoy so far.
Please: If you know me (and if you're reading this, I sure as cheese hope you do), then you know I'm a very responsible, smart person. I know how to handle myself and I know my limits. All of these were tried in stable, adult-supervised situations, and the key word is tried. The only thing I drank more than a sip of has been Corona. I drank half a bottle of Corona in the cafeteria of the Corona plant after I took a tour. I never knew so much work could go into such a bad drink! But at least the tour was cool.
And so ends the post!
Most of the edits were spelling. Everything starts to look blurry (and for some reason seem funnier) when you get that tired. On to more recent matters!
I learned much in school today, I guess. I certainly learned lots of semi-useless things (which is what happens when we have extra computer time and I´m bored.
I learned that on in January of 2008, the world´s coolest wedding took place.

It was sci-fi themed. Among the attendents are: Ming the Merciless, Darth Vader, several Jedi, a Doctor Who Time Lady, and Professor McGonagall. Also in attendance (but not pictured), where Arthur Dent, Dracula, a Ghostbuster, and Jack Skellington. Read more about it here.
And for more instances of George Lucas, Gene Rodenberry (and Klingons. I think they deserve their own mention in this instance) intruding into other peoples happy days, you can go here.
For something a little closer to home, I can promise I am not going anywhere near the Coatza shoreline for a while, not after I found out what they found floating in the Gulf of Mexico:
Anyway, onwards and upwards. If I can avoid getting my head absorbed off by Stygiomedusa Gigantea, I will post to you all later!
First on the list:
I think I mentioned before that I had written a post on paper at a party about 2+ weeks ago. I can't remember the exact date, but I still have the 'post', so I thought I'd better put it up before I lose it, shred it, or accidentally write something else over the top of it. This was written at about 2am while I was hiding in the atrium, so it was edited slightly for content. I don't really like loud parties at the best of times, but here I was wearing the portable torture devices on my feet, and let's face it, at around midnight I usually turn back into a pumpkin or a pile of mice or whatever (also if my sentences seem a little disjointed, it's because I'm writing on my tiny little laptop screen and I can't see the whole post at once).
Post begins here ->
You know, everyone hypes the learning experience of exchanges, but there are some things I'm learning that I wasn't expecting (free of charge!).
1) I will never take up smoking. EVER. I knew I didn't like the smell, but apparently if enough people start smoking in a small enough space you can run out of air. Who knew? Worst headache ever.
2)The limits of dresses (and parties). So, I'm not ever going to go for the whole big-skirt, lots-of-lace look. The little wacked-out princess who vacations in my head likes the look, but those skirts are just to much work.
Which sort of leads us to: 3) Wedding Planning. I spent this Saturday night (and very early Sunday morning -no, never gonna like late parties, neither) at a Quincinera for a girl in my school. It was probably one of the largest, loudest, and most expensive parties/gatherings I've ever been to. Seriously, I can't think of a wedding which I have attended that could outstrip it. I don't even know this girl. Which, incidentally, brings me to my point: If I ever bother to get hitched (assuming the whole institution hasn't been outlawed as ungodly or something by the time I get there), remind me not to buy into one of these things. Not that I think I would. I don't like going to them, and the very thought of planning one can make me spontaneously break out in hives (seriously, it's cool). But if I ever got married I wouldn't want to: A) spend that much money! Seriously, the outdoors is there for a reason. And two words: open bar.
And B) have strangers there. I would only want people I knew (or who knew whomever I happened to be marrying).
Oh! And the dress. Be it wedding dress or any other option, never let me go strapless! It's not flattering (in my opinion), and I don't like wearing something that can fall off if I jump up and down more than once. And I don't even get me started on the equipment! (cover the ears here, you delicate gents out there) I spent half the night in the bathroom fighting with my bra. Seriously! It's like wearing spring-loaded underwear. I kept thinking "Any minute now, my dress will slip and I'll take someone's eye out". Why don't I just wear a shoulder holster next time? At least it'd keep the dress on.
I'm learning a lot about myself and alcohol too. Don't look at me like that! 'A lot' is all relative. And believe me, I'm a hell of a lot more responsible than, well, anyone else. I pretty much guaranty it. And considering that when I left home, drinking over-fermented Kombucha could make me tipsy, I think of this as a sort of personal growth. Or at least personality growth.
And now:
Beer: okay. I could definitely learn to like it, but I think I'm going to follow in my parents footsteps and be a semi-picky, micro-brew connoisseur. I will never like Corona. Honestly, it tastes like someone mixed a single shot of Tequila into a whole jumbo-sized bottle of bland, sour mineral water. Why bother? Coke tastes better and I don't like Coke.
Tequila: don't worry, not gonna happen. I can't even handle the smell. I tried this on accident the first week I was here. I didn't understand anything anyone was saying to me, and they just handed it to me. If you've ever tried Tequila, you know that this may have something to do with why I don't like it. Of course, I also tried it again to make sure. Yeah, definitely not gonna happen.
Wine: I actually didn't try this one here, I know I don't mind it back home.
Kahlua: good with dairy-based products!
Whiskey: tried this one on accident. Tastes kind of like someone dropped crystallized sugar into a cup of paint thinner. And yet somehow, I think I could be persuaded to like it. Like oysters. Or Blue Oyster Cult, come to that.
Rum: I tried this one mixed with Coke, but I'm fairly certain it's the only hard liquor I might enjoy so far.
Please: If you know me (and if you're reading this, I sure as cheese hope you do), then you know I'm a very responsible, smart person. I know how to handle myself and I know my limits. All of these were tried in stable, adult-supervised situations, and the key word is tried. The only thing I drank more than a sip of has been Corona. I drank half a bottle of Corona in the cafeteria of the Corona plant after I took a tour. I never knew so much work could go into such a bad drink! But at least the tour was cool.
And so ends the post!
Most of the edits were spelling. Everything starts to look blurry (and for some reason seem funnier) when you get that tired. On to more recent matters!
I learned much in school today, I guess. I certainly learned lots of semi-useless things (which is what happens when we have extra computer time and I´m bored.
I learned that on in January of 2008, the world´s coolest wedding took place.
It was sci-fi themed. Among the attendents are: Ming the Merciless, Darth Vader, several Jedi, a Doctor Who Time Lady, and Professor McGonagall. Also in attendance (but not pictured), where Arthur Dent, Dracula, a Ghostbuster, and Jack Skellington. Read more about it here.
And for more instances of George Lucas, Gene Rodenberry (and Klingons. I think they deserve their own mention in this instance) intruding into other peoples happy days, you can go here.
For something a little closer to home, I can promise I am not going anywhere near the Coatza shoreline for a while, not after I found out what they found floating in the Gulf of Mexico:
Anyway, onwards and upwards. If I can avoid getting my head absorbed off by Stygiomedusa Gigantea, I will post to you all later!