Can I Get Off Now?

Posted by Miz B on Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I'm starting to feel like I'm on another one of those bloody roller coasters. You know, you look at it from the ground and you think, "Come on, it's not really that tall". You stand in line thinking, "Come on already, this is gonna be fun!". You get in the claustrophobic little seat, "Come on, woohoo!" Then suddenly you're on this track, thunking up this steep hill, and you get right to the top and you know that moment where you can feel the little latch that's holding you back give and you suddenly realize you're 50 feet off the ground on a little track about to drop at a 90 degree angle, you can't see the track you're going on, you look out onto what might as well be empty space in a tiny metal cart on rickety rails undoubtedly designed by a disgruntled engineer as a theoretical middle finger to the laws of physics and you suddenly realize, complete moron that you are, that you climbed into this mess of your own volition?
Well, that's where I'm at.


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