Old Country Music + Hawai'i = Weird
Location: The House, Kona, Hawai´i
Music: "Southbound" by Doc Watson
Weather: 75 degrees Fahrenheit, clear and breezy

The beach was excellent although the tide was a little exuberant, so I didn't stay long. Got some good picks of the local neighborhood, though. Very friendly and comfortable here (well, for this much it had better be, right?). We went down to a place about 4 miles down the road (and through a lava field) called Pu'uhonua Honaunau. Apparently in times of yore, there was all kinds of stuff you could do that could get you killed, like looking at the wrong people or letting your shadow cross that of someone who was considered better than you. If you could make it to this 'Place of Refuge' (Pu'uhonua Honaunau translated), weither you had to swim, walk, or run before the nice people trying to kill you did, a priest would absolve you and all was forgiven. I guess it's sort of like 'base' in tag. I can't help but imagine that some well-intentioned arguments may have arisen (much as they do in tag nowadays), about the validity of the whole 'who made it first' argument.
There was also some really impressive lava floes out over the water, which made some really nifty tide pools. Please enjoy the lovely view of my brother's bottom.
There was also a really impressive amount of lava above the tide line which had been used for things like reinforcing house platforms and making big walls.
Tomorrow: Volcanos!
New Phrase of The Day:
"The water's salty!"
Music: "Southbound" by Doc Watson
Weather: 75 degrees Fahrenheit, clear and breezy

The beach was excellent although the tide was a little exuberant, so I didn't stay long. Got some good picks of the local neighborhood, though. Very friendly and comfortable here (well, for this much it had better be, right?). We went down to a place about 4 miles down the road (and through a lava field) called Pu'uhonua Honaunau. Apparently in times of yore, there was all kinds of stuff you could do that could get you killed, like looking at the wrong people or letting your shadow cross that of someone who was considered better than you. If you could make it to this 'Place of Refuge' (Pu'uhonua Honaunau translated), weither you had to swim, walk, or run before the nice people trying to kill you did, a priest would absolve you and all was forgiven. I guess it's sort of like 'base' in tag. I can't help but imagine that some well-intentioned arguments may have arisen (much as they do in tag nowadays), about the validity of the whole 'who made it first' argument.

Tomorrow: Volcanos!
New Phrase of The Day:
"The water's salty!"